BAFFA Artist Members Exhibition
re·â€‹flec·â€‹tion (ri-'flek-shen) is defined as:
1. an instance of reflecting, especially in the return of light or sound waves from a surface
2. the production of an image by a mirror
3. the action of bending or folding back
4. an effect produced by an influence
5. a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation
6. consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose
Bay Area Friends of the Fine Arts (BAFFA) invites artists, sculptures, photographers, and painters of all levels to apply to their first annual Artist Members Exhibition to be held in February 2024. You can submit up to TWO pieces of artwork (maximum size of 28" on any one side.) Larger sculptures will be considered. (Please email if you are submitting a large sculpture.)
BAFFA membership is required and can be joined HERE under "Gallery Membership".
Note: Volunteering as a Gallery Sitter is REQUIRED by all artists participating in the Members Show for at least one afternoon (from 1:00pm to 4:00pm) during the exhibition dates.
Important dates to consider before applying:
Weekends in February from 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday, Feb. 2nd, 7:00 - 9:00pm
Jan 30th & Feb 1st from 10:30am - 2:00pm
or Feb 1st from 6:00 - 7:00pm
Feb 25th: 4:00 - 5:00pm
or Feb 27th from 10:30am - 2:00pm
BAFFA collects a 20% Commission for all sales at the time of sale. After the close of the exhibition, BAFFA will send the proceeds to the artist (minus BAFFA's 20% Commission) within 30 days by mail.
An artist waiver must be signed.