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About the Journal....

Let's "Build BAFFA Better Than Ever" Together!

The Bay Area Friends of the Fine Arts (BAFFA) Journal is integral to BAFFA’s success.

It is BAFFA's biggest fundraiser, and the Journal has significantly aided in supporting BAFFA's mission to continue to bring music and art to the community and beyond.


Local businesses and sponsors have partnered with BAFFA and advertised in the BAFFA Journal every year. The Journal creates relationships, promotes local businesses, and, most importantly, helps build a connection between the arts and the community.


We want to thank you, as a fellow non-profit organization, for always supporting us, and as a THANK YOU we are offering only non-profit organizations the option of a half-sized ad.

Non-Profit Offerings

Please choose the best option for your non-profit organization below and fill out the form.
Make your payment HERE to purchase your ad.  Advertisements will not be accepted without payment. Form MUST be filled out.

Half Page Advertisement


Half-page Advertisement in the Journal.

  • This option is only available to non-profit organizations.

  • NFP must provide a 1/2 page ad ready for print. No alterations or edits will be made. Must be sized at 4"high and 10" wide.

  • NFP must complete the order submission form by clicking on "FORM" button.  (Since this option is not available on the form, please select the "Digital Directory Ad + Small Print Ad" option, which is the $100 selection.)

  • If NFP is splitting a full page with another NFP, please list and indicate BOTH organizations in each field on the form.

  • Be sure to upload, where indicated, a clear half page advertisement containing all information about your organization.

  • NFP must pay by clicking the "PAY HERE" button above.

Small Advertisement

Business card sized advertisement in the Journal.

  • No additional information will be included in the advertisement

  • Advertisement will be 1/8 of a page and will be placed on a page with other ads

  • Business or organization must complete the order submission form by clicking on "FORM" button. Please be sure to upload, where indicated, a clear and scannable business card containing all information about your business.

  • Business or organization must pay by clicking the "PAY HERE" button above


Large Advertisement


Full-page advertisement in the Journal.

  • Business or organization must provide a full-page ad ready for print  No alterations or edits will be made.  Must be sized at 8x10.

  • Business or organization must complete the order submission form by clicking on "FORM" button. Please be sure to upload, where indicated, a clear full page advertisement containing all information about your business.

  • Business or organization must pay by clicking the "PAY HERE" button above

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
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